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Friday, January 06, 2006

Alignment Through Planning

Lisa Haneberg, over at Management Craft, offers her thoughts on Alignment Through Planning.

Her assertions?

  • "A work plan may seem like something that encourages control freaks, but it is the opposite. With a good and well understood plan, employment and engagement comes easier." (Editor's Note: It's a lot like discipline: people think it's all about rules, structure and rigor - well, it is, but it's also about offering freedom to think outside the box.)

What is a work plan?

  • "A work plan involves task lists, process improvement, time-frames covered, resource management, deadlines, milestones, deliverables, links to goals and expectation." (Editor's Note: At Six Discioplines, we call this the Individual Plan, and it is the central-most important tool for team member effectiveness.

Read the rest of Lisa's article here where she goes into more depth about why create a work plan, and how to go about doing it.

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