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Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Keys To Successful Organizational Culture

A recent study by Denison Consulting has found that, when it comes to delivering positive, bottom-line results, an organisation's culture can make a huge difference.

A workplace that values adaptability, consistency, a clear direction and employee involvement is more likely to deliver better returns, sales growth, productivity and shareholder value, according to new research from the U.S.

Their findings?

  • Businesses with the best organizational culture earned an average return-on-assets of 6.3% versus. 4.5% for firms with the lowest organizational scores.
  • The top-quartile firms achieved average, one-year sales growth of 15.1%, as compared with 0.1% for the lowest-quartile group.
  • The companies that achieved higher scores on mission, consistency, involvement and adaptability earned a return-on-assets difference totalling 40%.
  • During a three-year period, the firms with the best scores around organizational culture significantly outperformed their industry peers, as well as the companies with the lowest organizational culture scores

BOTTOMLINE: These results represent a dramatic affirmation of the importance of organizational culture, and its link to real-world business results.

Here's the full press release from Dennison Consulting.

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