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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Power of Passion in Business

Tom Asacker, over at A Clear Eye, offers his perspective on both passion - and compassion.

In addition to his stroll through the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (a major passion of yours truly), Tom also boils it down for us:

"I have always wondered which attribute was more important to success in business: passion or compassion? I’ve gone back and forth on this one for years. But I’m finally done flip-flopping. Here is what I discovered from the emotion-filled, twisted faces and colorful outfits of the early blues shouters through the most current teen idols: passion sells! Passion not only sells, it creates! It busts paradigms; it inspires; it attracts; it stirs; it rejuvenates."

His key takeaway?

"What I’ve finally realized is that passion and compassion are simply opposite sides of a successful business coin. It works like this: when communicating one-to-many, passion rules! When communicating one-to-one, compassion rules!

BOTTOMLINE: "This rule applies to everything from advertising, selling, PR, speeches, customer service, employee communication, negotiation, etc. Think about it. And then let me know what you think. And by all means . . . stay passionate!"

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