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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Six Disciplines Business System: An Introduction

OK, by now, perhaps you've read the book "Six Disciplines for Excellence."

Perhaps most intriguing to most readers, the book is just the tip of the Six Disciplines "iceberg."

Where most business improvement authors drop the ball is writing a decent book -- and stopping there -- leaving it up to its readers to implement the ideas and hope for the best.

That's where Six Disciplines is unique.

Behind the book is Six Disciplines Corporation, supported by more than $10 million dollars of funding and 50 man-years of R&D, developing practical Internet-based technologies that make the Six Disciplines™ Methodology practical.

Want to see an introduction to the Six Disciplines Business System?

Go to

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Under My Account, select "My Courses" , and select one of the Introduction Courses listed. Then select "Launch Course."

HINT: Check out the Business System Introduction first, then perhaps the Methdology Introduction.

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