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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

CEO Peer Reviews Six Disciplines for Excellence

As a result of the launch of the Six Disciplines Leadership Center of Central West Florida, Rolfe Arnhym, Chairman of Tampa’s Vistage CEO peer group (formerly TEC -The Executive Committee), read Six Disciplines for Excellence, by CEO and founder Gary Harpst.

Here's Rolfe's review of Six Disciplines for Excellence:

"I make it a point to read one professional book per month. Of the many books that wind up on my desk the trick is to ask myself, which one should I read? Two words caught my eye when I saw this book by Gary Harpst: DISCIPLINE AND EXCELLENCE.

Discipline is a given if goals are to be met and/or exceeded. Excellence should be at the core of all that we do. Six Disciplines for Excellence is a road map that focuses on the "how to".

The target is the small business owner/CEO., the vehicle is best practices. The book is unique in that the disciplines recognize the role that the Internet plays in aligning employees/team members with the business plan and company goals. It also recognizes that the small business is just that--it does not have a line of Vice Presidents, each with his/her core area of expertise and a department behind them.

The author has done an excellent job of developing a roadmap without ignoring the fact that leading a growing small business is a process and not for the weak. Fortunately he provides "hints and tips" along the way for those that forget they should be working "on" and not "in" the business. Put another way, "it’s easier if I do it". This is where, as the author suggests, trust comes into play.

Well done, must read, learning experience!"

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