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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Make The Choice to Be Excellent

Over at ThinkTQ, they offer up "10 choices you must make" chose EXCELLENCE over MEDIOCRITY:

  1. Choose to be ENERGETIC—instead of permitting yourself to become run-down and burned-out.
  2. Choose to be PASSIONATE—instead of permitting yourself to become aimless, apathetic and indifferent.
  3. Choose to be ENTHUSIASTIC—instead of permitting yourself to become half-hearted and discouraged.
  4. Choose to be SELF-DIRECTED—instead of permitting yourself to become directionless and uncertain.
  5. Choose to be PREPARED—instead of permitting yourself to become shortsighted and reactive.
  6. Choose to be FOCUSED—instead of permitting yourself to become scattered and impulsive.
  7. Choose to be SUPPORTIVE—instead of permitting yourself to become critical and judgmental.
  8. Choose to be SYSTEMATIC—instead of permitting yourself to become haphazard and disorganized.
  9. Choose to be TIMELY—instead of permitting yourself to become distracted and preoccupied.
  10. Choose to be PROACTIVE—instead of permitting yourself to become procrastinating and hesitant.

BOTTOMLINE: Within your organization, you have choices every day, every hour, every minute. Don't just choose to do things right (efficiency). Don't even stop at doing the right things (effectiveness). Make the choice to Be Excellent™.

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