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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Angel Investors - Funding More Deals

According to Red Herring magazine, Angel investors are funding more early-stage startups this year than at any point since the Internet boom....Innovators who meet with angels are twice as likely to get funding this year than two years ago, a study shows.

In 2005, angel investors backed 21.8 percent of the companies they investigated, up from 10.3 percent in 2003, according to a study by the Center for Venture Research.

BOTTOMLINE: Angel investors are back into it - but they're not into trend investing (no repeats of the dot com era here.) They're smarter, more careful - investing in high growth, "long-tail" ventures. If you're a start-up, one way to ensure long-term viability is to adopt (from the start) a business-building methodology, practical Internet technologies and seek the advice of experienced professionals who can help coach you to keep you on track...hmm, sounds like you need a Six Disciplines Leadership Center perhaps?

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